Actually, she has a driver's license now

and a car,

so I'm not running as much,
I do find myself praying
alot more!
I have been busy knitting and actually crocheting too! I have a dear friend at church, Sarah, who is going to be a first-time grandma, and she is giving a shower in Dec for the baby that is due in Feb.
In the beginning.......

And now.........

I also have been doing some dishcloths. Laura is wanting to take a trip to NYC with the school chorus, and she is selling them as a fundraiser.
I have a cabled scarf, fingerless glove and almost a ear-flapped hat done. (The white blurry picture is out of the book of a which the pattern came!)

I made a hat

for Laura for a

Roaring 20's 'Clue mystery party'
and a shrug cover-up for her Homecoming Dance

(the white one is the picture on the front page of the book I bought with the pattern.)
I still have lots to do, so this won't be a long blog!
I'm making a dark brown cable scarf and will probably make a hat to go with it for my father-in-law. (i'm making a dark maroon one just like it for my brother-in-law).

I made a scarf on the same pattern, with a smaller needle for my mother-in-law. I love the colors of this! Have the scarf done, but have to still do the hat! This is a free pattern you can find here.(The last two pictures are from the internet pattern page.)

As I mentioned above, my daughter is raising money for a trip to NYC, so I'm going to donate a baby blanket for a raffle to earn some money. The yellow one is the one I'm making and the pink one is the picture from the book with the pattern.

Boy, as I downloaded all this, I realized I've been VERY busy!
I also found this on you-tube: