Sunday, February 3, 2008

Podcast Sites

Oh, everybody is so much better at knitting than I! But I know there is knowone that likes it more than me!

I stole some podcast sites:

Stash and Burn

The Knitting Cook

Knit Picks

Socks in the City


Stitch It!

Knit Naturally

Gwendolyn's Gifts

Sticks & String

It's a Purl, Man

Knit Spirit

Yarn Thing

Pixie Purls



The Crafty Woman

CRL with Vickie Howell

Yarn Craft

I Like Yarn

Knitting News Cast

Sweaters for Dragons

Stitch Stud and His Bride

Knit Views


Thanks to N. E. W. KNITTER since I used most of the Podcast list from her site.

Do you know what I have noticed as I surf knitting blogs? Most knitters have cats!

I'm not perticularly a cat lover. I don't think I would hurt any animal unless I was being attack or saw someone else being attacked. I've never owned a cat or been close to someone who was crazy about cats. Well, maybe I need to re-phrase that. People just don't play with cats the way us dog owners play with dogs.

I saw a sign at a vets this weekend. It read:

Dogs have owners.

Cats have staff.

I think that pretty much sums it up!


AudreyO said...

I'm a crocheter and a dog owner :) I've tried knitting, my hands just don't work in knitting like they do in crocheting. Nice blog.

Audrey :)

Charles (Stitchstud) said...

Thanks for the shout out!


AudreyO said...

Thanks for the comment. I used to make gorgous doileys. I loved them. Today, my eyes are not like they once were, even with reading glasses. I've thought about using a magnifier. So nice to meet you.

Audrey :)