Annual Huntsville Pilgrimage Maple Hill Cemetery Stroll May 4th 2008
203 Maple Hill Drive
Maple Hill Cemetery
Huntsville, Alabama 35801
Website: www.huntsvillepilgrimage.org/
Make plans now to join us for the Pilgrimage's Annual Historic Maple Hill Cemetery Stroll on Sunday, May 4, 2008 from 2:00 to 4:30 pm. Established in 1818 when the city of Huntsville purchased two acres of land from Leroy Pope, Maple Hill Cemetery now extends almost 100 acres and houses the graves of many historic and political figures. More than 350 grave markers have been restored to date thanks to proceeds from the annual Pilgrimage Home Tour and the generous donations of community and school groups and individuals. More than 65 costumed characters will "come alive" to represent notables from the past during the annual Maple Hill Cemetery Stroll. This event is free to the public. Donations welcome. For further information please visit our website or you may contact the Pilgrimage Headquarters at: 256-533-9460
More than 200 years of history will come alive for the Annual Maple Hill Cemetery Stroll. Costumed volunteers will share the stories of over 65 notables, both famous and infamous, who shaped the future of Huntsville and Alabama. Included are five Alabama Governors, soldiers from past wars, artist, poet and writer Maria Howard Weeden, the notorious madam, Molly Teal and Tallulah Bankhead visiting her parent's graves.
Maple Hill was deeded to the city in 1822 and is one the largest cemeteries in Alabama, with almost 80,000 people buried within its grounds. The history of Maple Hill is also the history of the southeast during America's southern and westward expansion. Governors, bricklayers, paupers, the famous and the infamous are all buried within its borders. Years of damage from pollution, vandalism and neglect necessitated the need for an organization that helps ensure the preservation of this historical landmark.
Maple Hill Cemetery has a history written in headstones and monuments. Proceeds from the historic homes tour are used to restore the cemetery's grounds and grave markers.
School children enjoy their annual tour of the grounds where they learn much about the history of the South from descriptions of the characters buried there - dating from the Revolutionary, 1812, Spanish American, and Civil War eras. These children have also helped raise money to restore damaged grave markers.
Admission – Free
Children Welcome
Children's Activities
Donations Accepted
Free Parking
Group Rate Available
Handicap Accessible
Motorcoach Parking
Public Restrooms
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