Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I got it! I got it!

What did I get, you ask?

I've just watched a little bit of it, but she reminds me of my late Aunt Nina. I call her late, not because she was ever late, but she has gone on to live with our Lord! She was a teacher, and pulled no punches.

I consider myself an above average crocheter, but had put my knitting on the back-burner until recently. Two color knitting and crocheting has always scared me, but I believe with this new DVD coarse, I will be handling it with ease in no time at all!

And I'm a thrower, so I want to learn to knit Continental Style! So I bought
and I'm Patiently
waiting for it!

Oh, and I forgot to mention that yesterday I got something else!

So now I have two Denise Interchangeabel Knitting Needles, one plain and one color.

I think I'm just about ready for ANYTHING!

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