I so wish I could have met this dear woman. Watching her on the DVD's I bought, makes me actually feel like I have. And she reminds me of a very dear aunt of mine that has passed on. I would be such a much better knitter by now if I had known her sooner, but I won't fret over that, I'm just so excited to put her advice into practice now.....who you ask?

The Queen of Knitting Knowledge...a legend among knitters, Elizabeth Zimmermann.
I have a new Christmas List--oh my gosh, it's only mid-March!!!

The Opinionated Knitter
— Elizabeth Zimmermann

Knitting Around
—Elizabeth Zimmermann

Knitting Without Tears
—Elizabeth Zimmermann

Knitter's Almanac
— Elizabeth Zimmermann
And I await this one in the mail--hopefully today--it corresponds with the DVD's of her FAMOUS PBS show from 1981 that I got in the mail last week! I'm so excited!!!

Knitting Workshop
— Elizabeth Zimmermann

This is how I picture her in Heaven! Sitting with her yarn around her, teaching and sharing her love of yarn!!
SO what else have I been doing?
We have an addition to our family!!!
We have....

So I've been..........

so, you may not hear from me for a while....because I will be Wii-ing and knitting the sweater---for myself---that I cast on last night...with confidence, thanks to Elizabeth Zimmerman aka EZ!!! So I will sign off the loving way she use to sign her books...........

1 comment:
Hi! I have EZ's Knitting Without Tears & I've been wondering if the DVDs were really worth the $$.
Thanks for the critique. I must have them, now.
Yes, knit on!!
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